Monday, January 16, 2006

Friday the 13th

Today's horoscope for Taurus: Ce n'est pas le jour a demander un supplément de tendresse. Alors contentez-vous de ce que vous avez.

Today is freed day for us. Students were broken into groups. Some went to London, some to Rome, some skiing, and some left behind to explore local attractions. I decided to hike La Bastille, a 500 meter summit. It was listed as one of the three things one must do while in Grenoble. I was glad that I did it. It was just magnificent to survey a city from top down. I could see clearly that the city was surrounded by mountains with snow caps. Frog was rising from the bottom and makes the city foggy and mystique. Well, words can't do the justice for its beauty. You just have to wait to see the pictures I took.

Julian was very helpful when I asked him to provide me with some skiing information. He found the transportation schedule online and made a phone call to find out the price. He also showed me where the bus station was.

Bob, Memo and I went out for dinner. This was the first time all three of us had a chance to be together. When deciding where to go, we all said it didn't matter. When everyone was so easy going, things actually turned difficult. Finally, they decided that I was the one to make the call. So, with the newly found power, I decided to go to a Chinese/Thai restaurant. We were disappointed when we walked out. The service was bad and the food wad mediocre. We concluded that the Chinese working there had too much French influence.

After dinner, it was almost 11pm. I wanted to check out the milonga that was supposedly to be good. Unfortunately due to an inaqequt address, I failed to find the place. The neighborhood did not seem safe and it was cold so I decided to abandon the search and took the tram back to the hotel.


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