Tuesday, June 21, 2005


It had been raining the whole day. I couldn’t go to the office because of it. Fortunately I had internet access in my apartment.

After the class and dinner, Liu Yun and I went swimming. The pool was in a hotel out of the campus. There were no cabs or buses. We planed to walk there before we saw Xinan who was just about to get in his car. I asked him for a ride and he reluctantly agreed for he was rather busy. It took about 5 minutes to get there. Then I found out I was not prepared. I had been spoiled by full service before so I only brought swimming gears but not a towel or sandals. The water was not too bad but the shape of the pool was irregular. For example, the length was 23 meters. I swam about 1500 meters before it became so full that I had to get out. By the way, Yun was not a competition. In fact, he did not know how to swim properly. But we had a good time chatting and getting to know each other. We had to walk back because there was no other way. It was not too bad because it took us only about 15 minutes.


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