Wednesday, July 27, 2005


ZQJ introduced me to a friend of his who was a director of an executive training program associated with Hua Zong University of Science and Technology. In addition, he also ran a consulting firm. He was a nice and sharp guy. We were interested to know whether there were any opportunities for collaboration. We talked about three options. First, I could teach for him if my expertise was needed. I needed to send him my portfolio. Second, I could work for his consulting firm when there was a suitable project. Third, we could set up a joint venture if I found money and technology from the US. We discussed a possible project involving IT applications in hospitals. One of our classmates in the States talked to me before my trip with regard to this type of project. There seemed to be a match here.

At the end, he summarized our conversations and assigned priorities to the list so that we could forget the unimportant and remember the important. Since he was a math major in college, his logic was clear and impressive. I enjoyed his style.


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